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Information for users

In accordance with Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, Protection of Personal Data (LOPD), and Regulation (EU) 2016/679, of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27 ("General Regulations of Data Protection" or in Spanish "RGPD"), this Privacy Policy applies to the processing of personal data that OMEGA, SL -forward Omega Delivery- as responsible and / or responsible for them, in relation to the data that users and / or customers (individuals) provide as a result of contracting the services provided by Omega Delivery, (hereinafter referred to as, the "Services"), or collected in any of the sections of the website www.omegadelivery.es.

If you do not agree with the terms of this Policy, do not access or use the Services. This Privacy Policy is not applicable to any other product, service or activity of third parties.


  • Social Denomination: Omega Delivery, S.L., (Omega Delivery)
  • Home: C/ Severo Ochoa, 1 Daganzo de Arriba (Madrid) (Madrid)
  • Phone: +34 918782280
  • Tax Insurance Number: B82149733
  • Email: lopd@omegadelivery.es

Data Protection Delegate (in Spanish DPO): To contact the Omega Delivery Data Protection Delegate, you can write to the following address: lopd@omegadelivery.es or in the phone number 918782280.


Your personal data will be used for the generic purpose of the management and control of the established contractual or business relationship and, specifically, for:

  • Manage the full access and the correct use of the Services by the users of them.
  • To communicate with users in response to incidents, requests, comments and questions you make through the Services or the contact forms on our web page (including, chats or phone calls).
  • To provide, update, maintain and protect the Services, Websites and activities.
  • To offer new products , services, special offers or updates.
  • Where appropriate, manage personnel selection processes in selective processes of workers and / or collaborators.
  • Communications: We can send you emails, messages and other types of communication in reference to the services, technical issues and changes in them. These communications are considered part of the services and can not be waived.
  • Commercial Communications (Marketing): We may use your data to contact you, both by electronic means and non electronic, to conduct surveys, obtain your opinion about the service provided, and, occasionally, to notify you of changes, important developments of the services, offers and / or promotions. These commercial offers will be, in any case, expressly and separately authorized by the user who can revoke at any time their consent to receive these notifications using the mechanism implemented for that purpose, or, sending a letter with the subject "BAJA" (unsuscribe) to lopd@omegadelivery.es

We will not treat your personal data for any other purpose beyond that, of those previously described unless it is imposed by law or if there is an injunction.

Conservation period: The personal data provided will be retained and processed while the service provision relationship is maintained, without prejudice to the possibility of exercising your right of suppression, in which case Omega Delivery will block your data for as long as your legal obligations persist.


The legal basis for the treatment of the data is the legitimation based on the consent of the interested borrowed for the purposes previously described, which will be requested, in the moment of:

  • before proceeding to process your data,
  • proceed to registration as a user or,
  • proceed to the activation of the Omega Delivery Services.

The requests for information that you send us require that the interested party voluntarily provide us with the necessary information to be able to assist you. or provide the Services. The obligatory nature or need to provide us with this information is highlighted with an asterisk (*) in the forms or sections corresponding to each service.

However, the interested party can freely refuse to provide us with this information or, later, revoke the consent previously granted to process their data, although this refusal will imply the impossibility that we can meet your request or provide the service in question.

Likewise, we will be able to process your data based on the Legitimate Interest of Omega Delivery to maintain and retain your customers and / or users and better meet your previously expressed expectations or interests, for example: improve services and products, guarantee security, prevent fraud, manage requests, queries or claims, offer products and services similar to those contracted, inform about promotions etc., without prejudice of fulfillment by Omega Delivery of the rest of obligations related to the sending of commercial communications by electronic means.

Omega Delivery understands that by providing us with these data, the interested party guarantees and is responsible for the veracity, timeliness and accuracy thereof and that it accepts and consents expressly in its treatment for the purposes described above.


Omega Delivery has different social networks (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) for the diffusion of contents related to Omega Delivery and the sector, as well as to provide users with a contact vision. Omega Delivery is responsible for the data processing of its followers and contacts in social networks.

However, to the extent that the processing of personal data takes place within the framework of social networks whose suppliers impose operating rules, the obligations of Omega Delivery will be limited to those aspects in which it has the freedom to act. In no case will Omega Delivery extract, the data of the social networks, to carry out profiles of your users or collect relative additional personal data to tastes, hobbies or mode of use of social networks, without the express consent of those affected.


With a general character, Omega Delivery will not give up, your personal data to third parties unless we are legally bound to do so or you have expressly authorized us to use our services.

In this regard, we inform you that, for the provision of certain services, such as the registration of domain names, personal data of the interested party may be transferred or communicated to the competent National or International Registered Authority, in charge of registering the Domain Name in question. In this case, Omega Delivery only communicates essential data to manage the request of the interested party and provide the contracted services.


Anyone has the right to obtain confirmation about whether or not Omega Delivery treats personal data that concerns him or her. In particular, you can exercise the following rights before Omega Delivery:

  • Right of access: Allows the interested party to know and obtain information about their personal data subject to treatment.
  • Right of rectification: Allows correcting errors, modifying data that proves to be inaccurate or incomplete and guaranteeing the certainty of the information that is the object of the treatment.
  • Right of suppression: Allows to request the elimination of the data object of treatment when they are no longer necessary for the execution or provision of the service.
  • Right of opposition: The right of the interested party not to carry out the processing of his personal data or to leave it, except for legitimate reasons or for the exercise or defence of possible claims, in which case we will keep them blocked during the corresponding period while the legal obligations persist.
  • Right of opposition to the sending of publicity: Those interested could oppose the sending of commercial communications by Omega Delivery. In this case, you can revoke your consent to receive these notifications at any time using the mechanism implemented to the effect in them, or by sending a letter with the subject "BAJA" (unsuscribe) to informatica@omegadelivery.es.
  • Treatment limitation: In certain circumstances, the interested parties could request the limitation of the treatment of their data, in which case they will only be kept for the exercise or defence of claims.
  • Data portability: Interested persons can request to receive the data that they have and that has facilitated us or that -as long as it is technically possible- we send them to another responsible of treatment of their choice, in a structured format of common use and mechanical reading.
  • Right not to be subject to automated individual decisions (including the elaboration of profiles): Right not to be the subject of a decision based on automated treatment that produces effects or significantly affects.

Possibility of withdrawing consent: Likewise, the interested party has the right to withdraw the consent given at any time, without affecting the legality of the treatment based on the consent given at the time of providing us with their data.

If you wish to exercise any of the rights described, please send us a letter with all your information, including DNI to: Omega Delivery, S.L., C / Severo Ochoa, 1, Daganzo de Arriba (Madrid), or send us an e-mail indicating the type of right you want to exercise.

Possibility of claiming before the Control Authority: Omega Delivery also informs you of the right that you have to present a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency ( www.agpd.es ) if you consider that the treatment does not comply with current regulations.


Conservation of certain data: Omega Delivery informs that, in compliance with the provisions of Law 25/2007, of October 18, on the preservation of data related to electronic communications and public communications networks, should proceed to retain and preserve certain traffic data generated during the development of communications with the purpose of transferring them to the legitimated authorities, when the legal circumstances contemplated therein concur.

Security measures: We adopt the data protection measures necessary to avoid the loss of information, alteration of data, or access by unauthorized personnel to it.

Use of cookies: This website does not use its own or third-party cookies.

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